Taking Advantage of Online Video for Marketing

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Digital marketing has come a long way over the past couple of years.

Early on, text-based posts reigned supreme on the web, and everyone was pounding on their keyboards to overstuff their content with keywords.

These days, visual content marketing – video marketing, in particular – has become one of the most effective marketing strategies out there. Videos allow consumers to make informed purchasing decisions, and offer a chance to make a quick, great first impression.

According to a study conducted by Aberdeen, marketers and businesses who use videos grow revenue 49% faster compared to non-video users. Taking advantage of video for your marketing campaign can translate to substantial ROI, when done right.

People on the internet love videos – and they love to share them, too. Videos are immersive tools that will keep your audience engaged while helping you reach out to as many people as possible.

Failing to take advantage of this highly rewarding marketing tool could mean missing out on all-important leads and conversions. The biggest global brands are making moves to allocate a good amount of their marketing budget from traditional TV ads to online videos, so there is no reason for you not to jump on it, ASAP!

Google Loves Videos – and so do Social Media Sites

Back in 2007, Google introduced the concept of blended results. This meant that other types of content (videos, audio files, podcasts, etc.) have a chance of ranking in search results with text-only content.

Nowadays, we see that videos rank better when they include instructional content. Videos offer answers to questions quickly and easily, and people tend to prefer them over text. It also makes following instructions a whole lot easier, thanks to visual guidelines and demonstration.

We see videos ranking high on search results to answer our “how-to…” moments:

Google video serps

Google’s Hummingbird update prioritizes high-quality, valuable content over that which is overly optimized. This means tutorials and demos have a better chance of ranking higher on SERPs than text-only content.

Using videos will help you with your brand awareness, and will help you get closer to your targeted market.

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are also realizing the impact online videos make, on digital marketing in general and on their ad revenues. Back in 2013, Facebook began experimenting with different video tools to provide advertisers with a richer format where they can tell their brand story.

Aside from YouTube, people love to consume (and share!) video content on every social media site. Videos that are compelling and informative enough for internet consumption are sure to help you become more visible on search engines and social media sites.

People Love Videos – the Most Heavily Shared Content

Videos are more likely to be shared than text-only content. In fact, they’re one of the most heavily shared types of content.

A study done by Socialbakers showed that video content has an organic reach of 8.71%, which is far higher compared to text-only and even photo statuses.


Photo credit: BufferApp

With videos, you have the opportunity to showcase a strong brand message and include sharing triggers social media users can’t resist. The highly shareable nature of online videos will help you efficiently spread awareness about your brand and any particular products.

Using video on social media sites should be a no brainer for businesses. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat can help you gain massive exposure to a highly targeted audience. People spend an incredible amount of time on Facebook and other social media sites every day, so it should only be natural that you go where they are.

Buying Views for your Videos

Buying views for your videos can help you establish a credible, authoritative reputation among potential customers. The content you put out there represents your business, so it’s crucial that you put some thought into setting them up for success.

One way to create credible-looking videos is by buying views. Buying high quality views can instantly make any video appear more valuable – especially in the beginning, when views are most important.

The initial views you get help your view velocity. View velocity refers to the amount of views a particular video receives in the first couple days after publishing. A higher view velocity can immensely improve your ranking on search engines.

When buying views, it’s important that you pay special attention to quality. There are hundreds upon hundreds of providers out there, and not all of them can offer you the type of views you need to benefit your marketing efforts.

Be sure to buy engagements to go along with your views. You don’t want to wind up like this guy, who obviously bought views but didn’t get the likes or positive comments to go along with them:


Helps Brand Awareness

If you want people to know all about your brand and what you offer, a video marketing campaign is one of the best ways to do it.

Videos are prime proving grounds that can help you achieve your marketing goals. By consistently providing your target market with interesting, immersive content, you are giving them more reasons to flock to your brand.

Turning internet pedestrians into site visitors and maybe even buying customers can be a lot easier with the help of compelling online videos.

When it comes to creating compelling videos that resonate with viewers, Apple definitely has the game on lock down. Recently, they teamed up with Taylor Swift, one of the biggest advocates of the anti-free-streaming campaign, to launch their subscription service Apple Music.

The video was short, relatable, and resonated with a lot of people thanks to a strong brand message. It reached over 19 million views on YouTube and a tremendous amount of shares on other social media sites.

This just goes to show that a quick video can help you get your message across more effectively than a whole series of blog posts on a particular topic.

Videos can Influence People (Be a Viral Star!)

Achieving viral success is never easy, but consistently publishing videos for your marketing efforts will massively increase your chances of reaching it.

As mentioned earlier, videos are heavily shared. If you manage to come up with compelling and relatable content, people will be quick to share it to their network – which brings you closer to an untapped pool of people you might not otherwise reach.

Youtube trending

If you want to reach digital marketing success of viral proportions, you have to make sure your content is share-worthy. Study the kind of content in the trending section of YouTube, and see what aspects you might be able to replicate.

Releasing a video will not automatically turn your brand into a viral star – but it can surely increase your chances of becoming one.

Videos Make Sales

Videos can make you some serious money.

According to a study done by Treepodia, videos on a landing page can increase conversions by a whopping 80%. Consumers who watch a video are more likely to buy a product, helping you turn casual passers-by into all-important customers.

Humans are highly visual beings. If they see something that they think can improve their lives, they’ll often get it. The more you translate your brand message into visual content, the more appealing you’ll be to customers.

A study by Animoto discovered that 76% of millennials find videos helpful when comparison shopping. This means videos will give you the edge when it comes to impressing your audience and selling to customers.

They Supercharge Email Marketing Campaigns

Incorporating videos in your otherwise somewhat bland email marketing efforts can give it the spice it needs to kick it up a notch.

In one study conducted by email marketing giant Implix, promotional emails received a 96% increase in their click-through rates when a video is incorporated to it.

This basically means you have to add videos to your email newsletters! If that incredible statistic doesn’t convince you to include videos in your next email, we don’t know what will.

Emails with videos perform so well because visual imagery is far easier to digest and remember, and more attractive overall. There are a number of ways you can measure a video’s success in your email marketing effort.

Below are some of the most popular data analytics tools on the web:

Vidyard – Vidyard is a comprehensive online tool that tells you the impact a video makes within your overall video marketing efforts. Aside from determining the number of click-throughs, this tool can also tell you when your audience begins to lose interest – giving you the data you need to plan out content.

Sisense – This online tool analyzes complex marketing data and provides simple, easy-to-understand results. Sisense will take all your data across different platforms and bring it together in an intuitive and easy-to-use dashboard.

Zoho – While Zoho is more popularly known for being a social media management tool, there are quite a few marketers who rely on it for data analytics. Zoho is a no-fuzz and straightforward tool that can help you gain meaningful insight into your email marketing campaign.

Sometimes, even the mention of a video is enough to gain a person’s attention. Simply using the word “Video” in an email subject line had 3 incredible effects:

  • increase open rates by 19%
  • increase click-through rates by 65%
  • reduce unsubscribes by 26%

Combined with age-old marketing strategies, videos will definitely contribute to a campaign’s success. When done correctly, videos can help you achieve marketing and sales goals much faster than you would without them.

Mario Batali, world-renowned chef, uses videos to teach his subscribers valuable cooking techniques. He discovered that videos are the most effective and engaging way to educate his subscribers on simple to complex cooking methods – making his newsletter very valuable to his subscribers.

The videos in his emails look good enough to eat:

Mario Vitale video newsletter

Photo credit: MarketingProfs

Videos Make you Look Good

Investing in videos can make you look good as a brand and as a business. Providing customers with information they can’t find elsewhere will make you an authority figure in your niche – which is a fast way to establish a good reputation.

Online videos, along with your website and other social media accounts, can help strengthen your social proof – which will only yield positive results for your business.

Videos can serve as good resources for customers in the market for a particular purchase, looking for information to help them make better decisions. If they have questions about a subject in your niche, you want to have the answers.

By becoming an authority on a topic, you make yourself an indispensable influence and resource in their decision making process.

Video Marketing is the way of the Future – and Right Now!

Online videos have proven themselves to be indispensable marketing tools. When used in combination with traditional marketing techniques, they’ll make a strong, positive impact on your reputation, as well as your all-important bottom line.

To build a solid strategy to the top, you have to provide your audience with high-quality content you can be proud of. People on the internet rely on videos to answer their practical “how-to” moments – use that as a foothold in determining the type of content you can provide your target market.

Videos are powerful storytelling tools that can help you get your brand message across in the most concise way possible – or in the most fun and imaginative way possible. They can easily influence a consumer’s purchasing decision without taking up too much of their time. This is why they’re so effective.

You’ll increase sales and improve your existing marketing efforts tremendously. They are one of the few marketing assets out there that can amass substantial ROI in a very short time.

Remember that you can kick-start your video marketing campaign by purchasing high-quality views. Not only can they help you rank better on search results, they’ll also help establish your brand’s credibility.

Video can help you take your marketing efforts to the stratosphere. Aside from your content, you also have to consider the impression your videos make on other people. Be careful in choosing your view provider and be sure to understand these pros and cons when it comes to purchasing views.

So what are you waiting for? Jump on the online video marketing train, ASAP!


Date: December 9, 2016 / Categories: Analytics, Influencer Marketing, YouTube, / Author: Mariko


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