What Do Viewers Really Want From Your Videos?

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Video content is now a necessary component of any successful marketing strategy. This year, it’s expected that 74% of all internet traffic will be video content.

According to a HubSpot survey and infographic, that’s not even enough: 43% of consumers want to see more video content. About 45% of the survey respondents also watch an hour or more of video content on Facebook and YouTube every week.

People of all ages are exposed to video content for significant periods of time every day. This means that consumers now pay more attention to video than ever before, and that businesses should leverage video marketing to put out influential, high-quality content that speaks for their brand.

Brands should invest in producing quality video content and aim to get the undivided attention of their viewers online. But what kind of video does your audience really want?

Entertain People

The most basic kind of video, that viewers always enjoy, are entertaining videos. Simple but true. It’s the most common way to get the undivided attention of viewers. Even if the topic doesn’t usually interest that person, a video with a hook of some kind can entice anyone to stay and watch the whole thing.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon is already an entertaining show itself. They make sure this translates online by uploading bits and pieces of their show that end up being very popular with their online viewers as well.

Teach Them How To Do Something

People automatically use the internet when researching products, ideas, or services. Another Hubspot survey shows that a majority are more inclined to engage with a brand or channel that usually does how-to videos and product demos. Videos like these are short, to the point, and very useful.

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” has inspired a lot of people to get rid of belongings they no longer need. This trend became an online sensation and has inspired a lot of viewers to create videos on how they practice the KonMari Method.

In this example, people get a glimpse of what is inside the book without having to buy – saving time in the true spirit of the method.

If you want to save some time, did you know that you can buy YouTube views to gain more attention? By purchasing views, your videos will rank higher as they’ll seem more popular, and people will be enticed to click. Read our reviews of providers of YouTube views to learn more.

Show Sponsored Videos that Provide Value

According to the survey, 54% of respondents believe that the value of content does not diminish even if it’s sponsored, as long as the video is high-quality, unique, and clever.

Honda partnered with OK Go to promote the UNI-CUB, a self-balancing unicycle, for their music video, “I Won’t Let You Down.” The video was filled with awesome choreography centered around balancing and umbrellas, getting you intrigued into how they made it.

The video is so creative that you’ll even forget that this is a corporate-sponsored project. It just shows that when your video is truly creative and interesting, people won’t care how (or why) it was created. It is visually compelling without selling any products, making the audience flow into an entertaining experience. Some percentage of viewers will definitely want to learn more.

Use Innovative Technology and Strategies

Viewers crave intellectually fascinating, mind-stimulating content. They are drawn to brands that use innovative methods and cutting-edge technology. If you have something like that to offer, be sure to showcase it.  

Tesla is obviously a leader in this area, and you probably can’t hope to compete much with them. But you can learn from them.

In this simple video, you can see a Tesla charger prototype finding its way to a Model S, all on its own.

It’s pretty incredible, and doesn’t even need any commentary. That’s why it’s the most-watched video on the Tesla YouTube channel, which is full of very popular videos. If you use some interesting tech or methods in your work, try creating some videos showing them off.

Support Causes People Believe In

Viewers are drawn to videos that support a cause they believe in. This wasn’t always true of marketing as a whole, but today 40% of Millennials say that they expect brands they buy to support a social cause.

Follow the Frog is an excellent example of this. This video from the non-profit Rainforest Alliance encourages viewers to support and buy Rainforest Alliance Certified products in a very creative way. It’s funny and it draws you in, even if you didn’t care one bit about the rainforest when you started watching.

They include a simple and effective call to action embedded at the end of their video, making it easy for people to understand and participate.

Be Funny

According to another survey, 49% of people are attracted to brands that include humor in their campaigns. It seems obvious, but being truly funny is not always easy. Ikea shows this well when they use their image to their advantage by having fun with tech culture.

In Ikea’s video, “Experience the power of a bookbook™,” people will start off thinking they are viewing the latest product innovation from Ikea.

(SPOILERS!) In reality, you’re viewing an ad about Ikea’s 2015 catalog, mocking the usual tech infomercials. Not only is it funny and clever, but it also gets the point across that the old-school catalog is as simple as it gets, and still very useful. They’ll probably even make you think about the basic book a bit differently.

Use Visually/Audibly Appealing Marketing Content

If you want your videos to stand out, you have to catch the eye of your audience. In order to catch their eye, it helps to have deep, rich visuals that people love to soak up.

H&M’s 2016 autumn collection ad turned a once-misogynistic classic into a feminist song. The ad celebrates a diversity of women in a production that was created more like a music video than an ad.

Viewers are both entertained and subtly shown H&M’s new collection, giving them a feel for how the clothes will look on them. It’s a catchy video and it shows the attitude of the brand, which will help bring like-minded people to the store.

Serve Them Right

For marketers of any kind, one of the most important things to consider is how you will generate powerful content that people can’t look away from. On YouTube, your brand and business will be able to connect with consumers if you focus on creating videos that inform, educate, entertain, show authenticity, and build relationships.

Remember, you can always buy YouTube views to get the ball rolling and encourage people to come check out your content. When they see how many views your videos have, they’ll be irresistibly drawn to come watch them too.

Regardless of the kind of video you want to produce, you have to put out content that accomplishes two goals: it has to both support your marketing goals and appeal to your target audience. Now get to it!

congrats gifImage credit: Giphy

Date: April 23, 2017 / Categories: Influencer Marketing, Tips, / Author: Pamela


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