Why People Unsubscribe from Your YouTube Channel

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YouTube has easily become one of the fastest ways to create, upload and watch online videos for free. It has become a repository for great video content that has attracted billions of users and subscribers worldwide. With users watching videos by the minute, new channels have emerged specializing in their own different forms of content. From tutorials, reviews and testimonials and even homemade amateur videos, there is always something for everybody. As more and more YouTube users come up with their own channels and attracting new subscribers, unsubscribing from a YouTube channel is not that uncommon.

Here are some reasons why people may choose to unsubscribe from your YouTube Channel, and what you can do to prevent it.

Not Posting Enough Content(Consistently)

For the most part, people subscribe to a channel when they appreciate the kind of content it has to offer. These channels turn into instant content providers that may offer subscribers the kind of information they need or have what it takes to give them their daily source of entertainment. Users often subscribe to channels that spurn out new and great content consistently.

Since many YouTube users often subscribe to channels to keep up to date with their new video releases, this gives them the leverage to share great content to their own social networks as well. Staying idle for long periods of time and not posting any new content consistently or even frequently to your subscribers is one of the main reasons decide to unsubscribe.  

To ensure you keep your subscribers and keep them interested, it is important to find ways to always keep content fresh and engaging and keep video uploads to at least once a week. This way, your subscribers always have something new to look forward to every time they check out your channel. If you look at successful YouTube channels, you’ll find that they always remind the viewers in the video and in the description where and when the next video is going to be released. This sets their expectations, and lets them know to check on you on a regular schedule. According to TubeFilter, here are the best times of each day to upload your videos, sorted by the day of the week you choose to do your uploading.

  • Monday: 2pm-4pm
  • Tuesday: 2pm-4pm
  • Wednesday: 2pm-4pm
  • Thursday: 12pm-3pm
  • Friday: 12pm-3pm
  • Saturday: 9am-11am
  • Sunday: 9am-11am

The goal is to upload your video before primetime viewership kicks in. YouTube viewership matches TV viewership, so this gives your video time to circulate among the early adopters and earn some social signals. For you, this also allows you to have the chance to get into YouTube “Trending” category, and gain exposure to new crowds.

Offering No Value to subscribers

The great thing about the Internet is that there is no shortage of information and other forms of content easily available to anyone across the globe. This vast playing field has also made it increasingly difficult for content providers to sustain interest for very long. This works the same way for YouTube channels that may not be able to keep up with the changing needs of their subscribers.

Offering no value to subscribers means not coming up with useful, informative or entertaining videos that could have been one of the reasons that attracted your subscribers to your channel in the first place. With the thousands of channels being created by the minute, it is easy for your subscribers to fill this void elsewhere and find other similar channels to subscribe to.  

To keep your subscribers, it is essential to come up with great videos that are worth watching. Posting videos only about yourself quickly turn off subscribers if they do not get any value out of it. That being said, it is no wonder that helpful tutorials and how-to videos get considerable traffic in YouTube compared to regular home videos that do nothing more than self-promote. They have started off on the right path, with a clear plan, and a highly targeted and optimized goal.

If you aren’t a thought leader in your industry, or you simply can’t compete in the environment or industry that you are in, that might actually be a good thing. Here are some tactics you can focus your YouTube strategy on that will earn you views in any environment, no matter how competitive:

  • Unboxing
  • Reviews
  • Walkthroughs
  • Reactions

The best benefit of making these types of videos is the fact that the people searching are going to look for and watch as many different and unique reviews as possible for the product they are about to buy. For you financially, you can become an affiliate of these products, and insert affiliate links in each description and earn money alongside your Adsense revenue.

Not engaging your subscribers

Another reason people may unsubscribe from your channel is if you don’t engage your audience enough and on a personal level. Responding to comments and feedback from subscribers on your videos gives you the opportunity to build loyalty. Comments serve an important role in understanding what your subscribers actually want to see on your channel.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about your audience and what type of content works and doesn’t work for them. Not allowing comments on your feed makes you less likely to get subscribed to as this gives watchers the impression that you are only in it to market yourself and nothing else. It is interacting with your subscribers, responding to questions and feedback on your comments section that helps build loyalty and ultimately create your subscriber community. Without it, your video watchers may just as easily move on and find other worthy channels to engage with instead of subscribing.

When you are active in the community that surrounds you, it will give you more Social Proof, allowing you to become to most trusted reviewer, the most sincere reaction, and the most personal unboxing. This social proof is your main tool to convince viewers to click on your link before they buy whatever product they are looking for.

Themeless Content: Your content is not clustered

At some point, users will clear up their channel lists to avoid clutter and make room for new and more interesting channels. Individual’s need for entertainment and engagement change frequently and clearly there are people that can earn a profit on YouTube despite this liquidity. It is not uncommon for subscribers to unfollow you if your content is no longer necessary for their needs or loses its initial attraction that got them to subscribe at the onset.

  • They may have subscribed to one of your better videos but find that other videos you have uploaded may not be up to par and so they unsubscribe.
  • You may have posted a helpful product tutorial that earned you more subscribers but then failed to capitalize on the viewers and subscribers you earned who are only interested in that niche.
  • You are capturing valuable leads in the form of subscribers from each video you produce, but if there is no theme to your channel, they will not return, as they are there for a reason.
  • When you remove that reason, you will remove the subscriber as well. You need to have a set of videos, and connect them in a Playlist. This will allow people who found you because a product to remain engaged with your videos about that product. If you review apples and oranges, you need to keep these videos separated and organized.  

Manage Traffic Flow

To keep subscribers interested and engaged, your content needs to be consistent or subscribers lose interest very quickly. It is helpful to stick to a particular niche so your subscribers do not get confused as to what your channel is about. Cooking channels, fitness and gym tips, music, tech trends, helpful reviews and tutorials and even family or lifestyle videos attract a significant amount of subscribers when these offer sustainable and well-organized content that keep watchers coming back for more.

However, in each niche and sub-niche that your videos are competing in, you need to not only organize the videos into unique channels, but use cunning planning and strategy with the placement and content of these videos within their Playlist. For example, you have a YouTube channel that focused on Product ABC.

  • The first video should be the review where you honestly describe the overall experience with the product, this video will be the most searched for term, placing new visitors in the front of the Playlist.
  • The next video should be unboxing, showing in great detail what they are actually getting. You’ll want to film this, even before you make the review, just so you can use this strategy later for YouTube.
  • Reaction – how did it work when you actually used the product? Are there any negative side-effects of Product ABC?
  • Overall Review. That’s right, this is just a reiteration of the main points of the first, but tilted slightly different, perhaps “Best Product of Niche – Product ABC Full Review”. Here, you’re main goal isn’t to review the product, but to deliver a CTA, or Call to Action. This is where you push your viewers, who are clearly interested in the product itself, into clicking on a highlighted button or link in the video or inside the description below.

On top of that, you can actually include other peoples videos in your Playlists! However, a very rarely used technique and possible the most rewarding and time consuming tactic is to create a hidden playlist exclusively for your most ardent fans.

In any case, it is important to note that your subscribers play an integral part in driving success and more traffic to your YouTube channel. Your YouTube subscribers are often the front liners to your new videos releases and so they help pave the way to get your video more likes and watchers. They bring more traffic and shares when they appreciate the content you have to offer. Keeping them happy and interested is not easy but many successful channels have shown us the way as to how this can be done. In the long run, getting more subscribers can spell the difference between making it and breaking it in YouTube.  It is important to learn how to nurture your subscribers with valuable content that will keep them interested for the long haul.

Date: August 15, 2019 / Categories: Uncategorized, / Author: solmae


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